[Elphel-support] NMEA compass data from a gps ?

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Mon Sep 13 08:27:42 PDT 2010

Hello Aat,

The NMEA processing of the compass data in the camera is performed by
/usr/local/bin/compass program (source is here:


This program is started as a daemon only if the compass is detected at boot
time, this is the PHP script that detects compass (and also GPS):


So far we used only Ocean Server OS5000 compass and do not have experience
with others, so the script looks for this particular compass model.

I hope that the NMEA processing itself should be compatible (if something is
missing we can add it to the /apps/compass/compass.c program), what needs to
be updated is the PHP detection script. You can modify it to "see" your
compass and  try it from telnet (or serial port if - you should have one as
it is on teh 10359 board) session, when neasted OK - replace


in the camera (and run "sync" command)

While testing modified versiion odf the script you can put it (i.e. by FTP)
somewhere on the tmpfs file system (RAM-disk) - (i.e. anywhere under /var)
and make sure it has executable permissions

Then if it has the first line
#!/usr/local/sbin/php -q

you can test run the script as



php /var/html/modified_start_gps_compass.php

(in that case it does not have to have executable permissions and that first
line shown above)

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