[Elphel-support] Shperical camera

Stefan de Konink stefan at konink.de
Wed Oct 6 10:41:10 PDT 2010

Hash: SHA512

Hi Grzegorz,

Op 05-10-10 16:35, Grzegorz Pawlak schreef:
> I have a few technical questions about your spherical camera and using it.
> 1. Are that camera has possibility for external triggering source? We
> need to synchronize it from our signals.

This was a requested feature before. And I believe it is already
implemented in the web api.

> 2. Is it possible to program this camera on windows? Or we have to use
> only linux?

The camera can be accessed by a webinterface. So you can set it up on
any OS you want.

> 3. How transmition of images is realized? I see that camera has internal
> HDD for storage but can we get it from hard disk during collection?

It is also connected to the network. But the highest framerates are
achieved if the images are stored on disk. Because you say you want an
external trigger, you might not want the higest framerate, so you could
just use the network conjunctively with the ethernet.

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