[Elphel-support] Photo Finish Mode Issues in 353 FW 8.0.7

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Mon Nov 8 15:36:52 PST 2010


it may well be the limit of the sensor (or at least close to it) - I just
emailed you the datasheet, it may also be available at Aptina web site.

In the camera there are several ways to get directly to the sensor
registers. Some allow you to do it in "stealth" mode - without notifying the
driver that keeps shadow values of each register to save time on i2c
communication. Other way - to do it through the regular driver so it will be
aware of the changes.

First way is either from the console:
fpcf -i2cr16 4800 100 # read all registers
fpcf -i2cw16 4809 1234# write 0x1234 to register 0x9 (register descriptions
are in the datasheet)

Similar things can be done by writing to i2c driver (i.e. with i2c.php) or
just from php.

Second way - using parsedit.php - among camera registers it has
SENSOR_REGSNNN that allow to access the sensor registers directly (reading
will be from the shadows). These modifications bypass other driver logic -
i.e. when you modify WOI_HEIGHT drivers validate/modify values and change
not just the sensor registers but several ones in FPGA that depend on it.

So you may try to tweak them, but the problem is that this sensor has pretty
large minimal vertical blanking - that limits the fps.

Looking at the color lines - no, it is not timestamp you are hitting some
limits. What is the total file size (compressed)? Does JPEG quality change
You may also look at the raw data in the memory with "fpcf -sr" command
("fpcf -?" - help) are download it as a raw file. In the memory each line is
made multiple of 512 pixels, so address of the new line is multiple of
0x200. Why fps drops to 0 - I would recommend too look at the sensor
"shutter width" register 0 to see that driver calculates it correctly -
there were not much testing in that mode so far. You may also use "VEXPOS"
parameter - it sets/shows exposure time in scan lines.

Also with the overall image height - the code is designed to have no gaps
between images (so you can stitch them later), and if there are any gaps -
that is a bug and it will help if you can investigate that more (what does
it depend on, how many lines are lost, etc.)

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