[Elphel-support] help reflashing a 353 camera!

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Wed Jul 21 16:13:16 PDT 2010


So you can boot the camera (as you tried reflashing from the camera). What
software version does it  have now (cat /etc/issue)?
Does it work as is, or something is broken?
In your build.log file I noticed you build software under /nfs directory. It
may be possible, but we never tried it. /nfs is used just for the images,
build script copies files there when needed.

Normally you build everything just under your user directory, like in
~/elphel_projects/elphel_8.0.8.25/ (after that top directory will be
~/elphel_projects/elphel_8.0.8.25//elphel353, archived packages will be in
~/elphel_projects/distfiles). At the very last step of the build script will
connect to the nfs (it may be different computer) and copy files there.

What exactly does not work with netboot? It is a safer way to make it work
before you accidentally corrupt your camera flash and it will not boot

Looking at you ./reflash  output I suspect that streamer does not match the
drivers,  in that case it may hang the system when being killed. You may try
the following: 1) boot the camera, delete or rename /usr/local/bin/str
2) reboot the camera so streamer will not be started
3) run ./reflash script

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