[Elphel-support] JP4, compression & artefacts

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Mon Jul 12 10:41:38 PDT 2010


100% is virtually lossless, as there is no quantization at all. As for the
compression artifacts - we need to look into it and where did they happen in
the camera or during conversion. With JP46 you may try ImageJ and plugin (in
our Git repository at Sourceforge) - it reads JP46 (saved or directly from
the camera) and converts image to floating-point pixel values, un-applying
gamma (read from MakerNote Exif field)  and gains, so the values are
proportional to number of the photoelectrons each pixel detected.
There is no  color conversion there (so images look as monochrome), but at
least it is independent JP46 processing and you may try to compare the

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