[Elphel-support] linescan mode

Michael Aschauer m at ash.to
Mon Jan 11 10:19:25 PST 2010


does that mean there are plans to fix and revive that code for current
models? or not?
to be honest it seems to me this was implemented to showcase a
application (or specific request) and never got used any further by anyone.

I am unable to do necessary FPGA coding myself, but I would be willing
to document its usage and or maybe build a frontend for it if necessary
(actually it was poorly documented and it took me long time to figure
out how to use it since you do not just set the camera into linescan
mode, you have to make some explicit choices and settings otherwise you
get the impression it just does not work or crash...)

I am aware thought that this is a probably commercially pretty
uninteresting niche application. but I think it is a worth to have in a
general purpose camera (as I come to see the elphe line) and still might
be an affordable alternative to dedicated line-scan systems in some areas..

best regards,

Andrey Filippov:
> Michael,
> Yes - that should work with slow rate, I wasn't just spending much time 
> on that project as the high "frame" rate is the major interesting 
> feature of linescan acquisition mode. So it needs some work to be done 
> to see what works and what does not, fix the broken parts.
> Andrey
> On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 4:39 AM, Michael Aschauer <m at ash.to 
> <mailto:m at ash.to>> wrote:
>     I could not find full specs for the 5Mpix sensor.
>     But that sounds to me it could be possible but with (much) lower
>     framerates?
>     m,-

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