[Elphel-support] compressor state

Janz, Scott J. (GSFC-6133) scott.j.janz at nasa.gov
Tue Feb 2 15:46:20 PST 2010

On Feb 2, 2010, at 5:58 PM, Andrey Filippov wrote:

> Currently I plan to stream the video at low resolution to a data recorder on the aircraft (or to the ground if we have a link) and capture full resolution images to the camera HD once every 10 seconds.

Scott, what exactly is the resolution/ frame rate of the low-res video? We usually have multiple cameras running for hardware testing - we can try to reproduce exactly the same operation mode and run the low res+snapfull.php  on several our cameras to try to isolate that glitch that you've encountered.


That would be great if you wanted to take a look at it. I have not tried to reproduce the error yet.

Image size=1920x1080
JPEG quality=80%

Streamer settings (decimal)

these settings delivery a bitrate of ~7 Mbps (we are limited to 8 Mbps)


Every 10 seconds:
1.The camera is sent an http GET request to run phpshell.php with arguments wget /localfile http://localhost/snapfull.php to store the full resolution snapshot on the camera HD.
2. A request is sent to execute i2c.php with the proper arguments to get the local temperature.
3. A request is sent to a small script which returns the result of elphel_get_state()

Another variable: The lights are occasionally turned off  in the lab where the camera is tested and I believe it was after one of these "black-outs" that the camera crashed.

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