[Elphel-support] Fwd: GPS data log bug - 353E

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Mon Apr 19 13:47:42 PDT 2010


the camera CPU has limited bandwidth (it is just a 200MHz 32-bit device), so
if you make it do more there could be insufficient resources. KML generation
uses some, and even compass/GPS support also use them. So first I would
definitely disable KML (anyway all the data is embedded into each frame
header of the *.mov file) and then see if there is a bug or just you are too
close to the CPU capacity. There is an obvious way to verify if the CPU is
limiting - try reducing the image quality and see if it helps.

If the CPU can not keep up with the data, the buffer should get low and
there will be a pop-up window that it is overrun. If camogm is started, you
may check buffer status manually by opening (and refreshing as needed):


If buffer is not overrun, but the recording stops it means that there is
some software bug that we need to locate.

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