[Elphel-support] 10359

Oleg Dzhimiev andersonnotgood at gmail.com
Thu Oct 29 18:17:42 PDT 2009

Hi Andreas,

> During the last days I have mounted the 10359 board inside the camera
> below the 10353 board. Two sensor boards are connected via a 6 inch flex
> cable. With your description I was able to switch the board to triggered
> mode and I was able to test the first sensor. Additionally with the
> phase adjust page I was able to remove wrong pixels which were caused by
> the longer flex cable. So the first sensor board is working fine. I was
> not able to switch to the second one, simply because I don't know how to
> do that.

You can switch to the other channel in two ways:
1. - that will be the
second channel (J3)<>-
3rd channel (J4) - the most distant from the cable to 10353

2. or if you have firmware > you can try - and there you can find a field
for switching a channel - 1,2 or 4, and you also can try to autoadjust

What I want to do is to record single framers which are captured
> simultaneously  and  then  written  separately to disk using the camogm
> utility at a resolution of 1280x1024 at 40fps. Can you give me a short
> description what I will have to do to achieve that?

Alternating frames 1280x1024 at 20fps from each channel that in sum will give
40fps? Here I need to make a small revision of my previous work while you
are adjusting phases I checked CVS - and there's at least one script is
Basically, what you'll need to do is:
1. Switch to broadcast channel (0x7) to program both sensors to the
resolution you need.
2. Put sensors to triggered mode
3. Switch on the alternation mode with buffering on 10359.
4. and then use camogm to record frames

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