[Elphel-support] Problem with reflashing of Elphel 353

Kai Schaeffer ks at schaeffer-ag.de
Sat Jan 20 03:08:28 PST 2024

Hi everyone,

I have a 353 based camera that is not reacting anymore. It's still 
booting up and the LEDs on the network connector start to blink, but I 
can't access it. Also a ping is not working. So, I thought I should try 
to reflash it. I used the kubuntu-elphel-4.iso to do so. After some 
difficulties, the reflashing is actually working now. During the 
flashing I could even ping the camera ( and login via 
telnet. But after a reboot, the camera is still not accessible.

Actually I did something else: when I was still fighting with the 
flashing, I took a fresh and working 353 controller board and tried the 
flashing there as well. So, now I also reflashed a working board and it 
stopped working after it. It's now the same behavior as with the other one.

As the image I used the image353-8.2.16.tar.gz.

What am I doing wrong?

Thank you,

Schaeffer AG
Dipl.-Phys. Kai Schaeffer      Vorstand
Nahmitzer Damm 32              Tel. +49-30-8058695-25
12277 Berlin                   FAX: +49-30-8058695-33

HRB 93611 B, Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg
Vorstand: Jörg Schaeffer, Kai Schaeffer
Aufsichtsrat: Dr. Karsten Mühlenfeld  (Vorsitzender)

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