[Elphel-support] WG: Eyesis4Pi-26-393

Lorenzo Ferroni - eagle eye technologies lorenzo.ferroni at ee-t.info
Sun Nov 15 23:48:08 PST 2020



I sent the email below a few days ago, but unfortunately I didn’t get any
reply yet.

I am sending it again to the additional addresses listed in your webpage.


Thanks in advance for your reply.


Kind Regards


Lorenzo Ferroni



Von: Lorenzo Ferroni - eagle eye technologies <lorenzo.ferroni at ee-t.info> 
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 11. November 2020 12:54
An: 'sales at elphel.com' <sales at elphel.com>
Cc: 'Dr. Johannes Ludwig' <jl_mobil at ls-soest.de>
Betreff: Eyesis4Pi-26-393




while looking for a panorama camera I found your product Eyesis4Pi-26-393,
which seems to be very interesting.

I would be very grateful if we could schedule a call to clarify some
technical aspects. 

For me the best time would be tomorrow (2020.11.12) between 16:00 and 17:30
(German Time) --> between 8:00 and 9:30 in Salt Lake City. 


Here is a list with some of my questions:


1.	if it is possible to have only the camera, without IMU and GPS, but
with SDK for triggering and controlling the camera? 
2.	Is it possible to have a custom version with 180° view?
3.	Is it possible to save images directly on a pc? 
4.	What is the price?


I am looking forward to your reply.


Thanks a lot!



Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards


Dr. Lorenzo Ferroni

Head of Development




eagle eye technologies GmbH 
Haubachstraße 8
10585 Berlin 


Tel.:   +49 (0) 30 - 280 427 580

Fax:   +49 (0) 30 - 280 427 588
Mail:  lorenzo.ferroni at ee-t.info <mailto:lorenzo.ferroni at ee-t.info> 

www.ee-t.de <http://www.ee-t.de/>  

HRB113594 AG Berlin-Charlottenburg 
Dr.-Ing. Johannes Ludwig 
Martin Weigel


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