[Elphel-support] Elphel 353 / 359 stereo camera problem

Simon Vogl office at voxel.at
Mon Jun 22 09:16:36 PDT 2020

Dear all,

we have a bunch of 353-based stereo cameras that are in operation for 
seven years meanwhile and we've been very happy with them. Over the last 
weeks, some of them have image errors, at first sight it looks like one 
of the sensor is not configured correctly, a combined image looks like:

I found that this seems to be a problem with the 10359 multiplexer board 
-- exchanging this resolves the issue for a camera.

When booting, the relevant portion of dmesg reports this error on the 
affected cameras:

arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/elphel/framepars.c:390:initGlobalPars GLOBALPARS(G_DEBUG)=0
initSequencers:resetting both sequencers
arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/elphel/framepars.c:420:initMultiPars GLOBALPARS(G_MULTI_NUM)=0
Initializing DMA registers for EXTDMA3 -
sensor clock set to 48000000
10359 bitstream version =0x0359a054
10353 sensor clock set to 96000000
10359A sensor clock set to 96000000
removing MRST from the sensor
Found MT9P001 2592x1944 sensor on 10359A port 1, chip ID=1801
Found MT9P001 2592x1944 sensor on 10359A port 2, chip ID=1801
Setting internal HACT generation
Found MT9P001 2592x1944 sensor, chip ID=1801
arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/elphel/framepars.c:420:initMultiPars GLOBALPARS(G_MULTI_NUM)=f
**** ERROR adjusting SDRAM clock phase in arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/elphel/multisensor.c:1697:multisensor_adjustSDRAM
low90=3, low_l=249, high90=3, high_l=-250
arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/elphel/multisensor.c:1310:multisensor_pgm_sensorphase **** ERROR adjusting SDRAM clock phase in arch/cris/arch-v32/drivers/elphel/multisensor.c:1311:multisensor_pgm_sensorphase, result=0xffffffff
Resetting MT9X001 sensor
Reading sensor registers to the shadows:
Initializing MT9X001 registers with default values:
Starting hardware sequencers

I have tried to set the clock parameters from a functioning specimen via 
the /359/10359_controls.html which temporarily resolves the issue, but 
after a reboot the problems reappear.

Any chance to resolve this in software or do we need to exchange boards? 
If so - are they still available?

All the best from Austria, stay healthy,


VoXel Interaction Design  |  www.voxel.at
DI Dr.techn. Simon Vogl   |  simon at voxel.at
Tomaschekweg 46           |  +43 650 2323 555
A-4040 Linz - Austria     |
Office address: Industriezeile 35, 4020 Linz (2nd floor)

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