[Elphel-support] 答复: 答复: 答复: 答复: sync stereo with lidar

Winston Zhang winston.zhang at blacksesame.com.cn
Fri May 11 04:03:11 PDT 2018

Hi, Elphel supporter
      I could get the info from the<>. This web could help me to get some information. But if I tried the, the timestamp file saved web did not appear. How did I use it?
The other way did not work too. I opened the web, please took a look at follow picture.  The status showed that the recording is running, but file size did not enlarge. And when I stopped, I could not find the .mov file at the directory /mnt/sda1(or /var/hdd).
All of the information from the web 192.168.0:2323 get by the way of web link, but I want to get it in my C-code, what shoud I do? This is the big problem for me? All of the information can get through web, that mean the buffer can be transferred by tcp/ip?  Could you show me some specific steps? Thank you!
[cid:image001.png at 01D3E957.10747310]

Best Regrad!
Email:  winston.zhang at blacksesame.com.cn
Teil:    18516291005
Addr:   707 room, 7th floor, building 4th, No.1761, Zhangdong road, Pudong area

发件人: Elphel Support [mailto:support-list at support.elphel.com]
发送时间: 2018年5月11日 星期五 10:10
收件人: Winston Zhang <winston.zhang at blacksesame.com.cn>; Elphel List <support-list at support.elphel.com>
抄送: Tao Zhang <tao.zhang at blacksesame.com.cn>; Qun Gu <qun.gu at blacksesame.com>; David Zhang <david.zhang at blacksesame.com.cn>
主题: Re: [Elphel-support] 答复: 答复: 答复: sync stereo with lidar

Hello Winston,

1) Video streamer format does not allow Exif data, you need to acquire images from the imgsrv - there is a min ihelp  at<> (without any other parameters). Saving images from it preserve all Exif data. It is also preserved when using camogm to record video sequence to the SSD/HDD

2) By default camera sensors are running in free running mode and so they are not synchronized. To synchronize them you need to use either external sync or just trigger them from the internal FPGA generator. Set TRIG=4 (triggered mode) and TRIG_CONDITION=0 (internal FPGA generator). See details on the wiki page:  https://wiki.elphel.com/wiki/Trigger_393


---- On Thu, 10 May 2018 18:50:00 -0700 Winston Zhang <winston.zhang at blacksesame.com.cn<mailto:winston.zhang at blacksesame.com.cn>> wrote ----
Hi, Oleg

      We tried the USB GPS and it worked. The system could detect the device. And<> had GPS related tags. That info was just showed on the web. I could see it but I could not get it. Do you know how to get it?

      Another question is the two camera timestamp are not the same no matter whether or not we connect the gps.

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