[Elphel-support] Elphel 393 Nand upgrade

Morsy, Mohamed K MKM89 at pitt.edu
Tue Dec 4 10:41:18 PST 2018

Hi Oleg,

I'm having trouble upgrading the NAND memory on an elphel 393. I've tried it with multiple boards. I used the ipaddress/update_software.html tool. When I flash the board, I shut it down, remove the uSD card, and reboot it. But it doesn't boot up correctly. I'm able to log in on minicom but when I try ifconfig I find that the board doesn't have an ip address. Do you know how to resolve this issue? I noticed there's a recent upload at community.elphel.com/files/393 called fix_net_config.tar.gz. Is that related to my issue?


Mohamed Morsy
RedZone Robotics
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