[Elphel-support] elphel393 setup.py

Oleg support-list at support.elphel.com
Fri Mar 31 18:47:32 PDT 2017


Stuff in build/tmp/deploy/images/elphel393 looks good.
Yocto looks promising for MicroZed work...

It's been a while since we worked with microzed. Some things most likely
will not work:
* SPL and u-boot - should work or can be easily fixed.
* device tree - update source, fix recipe.
* kernel and rootfs - will need a closer look, fix recipes and configs.

 I noticed a "create_img_iso.py" script in elphel-tools-update.
How is this used with the build stuff to get a sdimage.iso?
How does the BOOT_FILE_LIST files link to the build output?

 bitbake tools-update (or bitbake tools-update -c run)

It just links the scripts to *elphel393/bootable-images/mmc*, where

> bootable-images -> poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/elphel393/

Inside *elphel393/bootable-images/mmc *the image files already have correct
names. They are renamed by our *.bbappends,
example: do_deploy_append() in linux-xlnx_4.0.bbappend

*create_img_iso.py* - creates *.img to be 'dd'ed to a micro SD card which
takes time because of the size.
*write_bootable_mmc.py* - partitions, formats and writes only useful data
directly to the card - works faster.


> cd bootable-images/mmc

sudo ./create_img_iso.py


> cd bootable-images/mmc

sudo ./write_bootable_mmc.py /dev/sdX

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124 <(801)%20783-5555>
Elphel, Inc.
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