[Elphel-support] Sensor Synchronization and Memory

Fabjan Sukalia fabjan.sukalia at qinematiq.com
Fri Dec 15 05:48:27 PST 2017

Dear Elphel-Team,

currently I'm working with the synchronization and readout of the sensor 
on the 393. My first goal is to synchronize two or more sensors so that 
the pictures are taken at the exact same time. To my understanding the 
internal trigger could be used for this purpose but I'm unsure if this 
produces a stable video stream with the maximum frame rate. Currently 
I'm unable to confirm this as the firmware that is provided by my 
colleagues has issues with the trigger. Therefore I'm asking you if the 
internal trigger can synchronize the sensors and still provide a video 
stream with the highest frame rate possible. Also the maximal exposure 
time would be 16 ms for a 60 fps video.

My second task is to access the uncompressed data of the sensors. These 
data reside on the memory chip dedicated to the FPGA-part of the Zynq. 
Is there some example code on how to access the uncompressed data from a 
user-space program?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Fabjan Sukalia

qinematiq GmbH
Fabjan Sukalia        Millergasse 21/5      A - 1060 Vienna
Tel: +43 1 595 11 21-11           Mobil: +43 664 926 9277

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