[Elphel-support] Optimum Baseline

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Sat Sep 24 11:00:25 PDT 2016

Hello Elham,

I do not think there is such a thing as just a single optimal distance - too much depends on other factors, including algorithms you are going to use and nature of the objects you plan to detect and measure distance to, required resolution in distance(z) and image features (x,y). Some algorithms with some types of objects may work reliably with a fraction of pixel measurement precision of disparity, others can not. Some algorithms start with feature extraction (before calculating disparity), others start with correlation-based processing. 

You may also switch between several of them for far/near objects. Ability to do sub-pixel resolution additionally depends on how well can you calibrate the images, many other factors.

What you can do is to calculate approximate limits for that value.

We can easily assemble the any camera with any distance (withing flex cable length limit), we just need to cut a mount tube and make holes in it - all other parts are ready. So we'll need a drawing showing the distances from you and export license from the Government.


---- On Sat, 24 Sep 2016 10:40:29 -0700 Elham Omrani <elh.omrani at yahoo.com> wrote ---- 

Dear Andrey,
 According your opinion, how long will it take shipping the camera? and what is optimum baseline for minimum depth of 5 meters?
Best Regards

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