[Elphel-support] recording the trigger over Bluetooth

Alexandre Poltorak polto at alsenet.com
Sun Jun 19 11:20:19 PDT 2016

Hi Elphel,

Would it be possible to transmit camera trigger and the timestamps over serial2bluetooth device such as "HC-06 Wireless Serial 4 Pin Bluetooth RF Transceiver Module RS232 TTL" - http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Free-shipping-HC06-HC-06-Wireless-Serial-4-Pin-Bluetooth-RF-Transceiver-Module-RS232-TTL-for/32272894331.html?spm=2114.13010208.99999999.261.0snGqM 

The idea is to record the log on a phone/tablet device over bluetooth. The device would record triggers and binary encoded timestamps on the phone with additional data provided by the user. (to tag panoramas)

Best regards,
Alexandre Poltorak

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