[Elphel-support] Problems to detect timestamps

Oleg support-list at support.elphel.com
Tue Dec 1 13:32:11 PST 2015

Hello Jennifer,

Were you able to solve your problem?

I think there has been a confusion, when I referred to the "original" code
> live555, I was referring to the latest version without changing code. The
> problem is that when I connect to the camera with the instruction openrtsp
> -m, I get files with the timestamp (PresentationTime) in the filename and
> these values are incorrect.
> video-JPEG-1-1448298848.836308
>> video-JPEG-1-3534277304.245330
>> video-JPEG-1-3534277304.281407
>> video-JPEG-1-3534277304.317484
>> video-JPEG-1-3534277304.353561
>> video-JPEG-1-3534277304.389627
> The first file has a correct timestamp, but in the following files have
> incorrect "times" (year 2081).

I was able to reproduce your problem. Installed live555 version
(dated 2015-11-09).
The first correct timestamp is the timestamp of the PC.
Might be something with the RTSP server implementation in the camera. To
find out I need to have a closer look at the code:
Will take some time - busy with other things.

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
Elphel, Inc.
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