[Elphel-support] KIT-NC353-369-PHG__logotfim158

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Mon Oct 13 08:57:26 PDT 2014

Hello Albert,
1) The difference is in the lens and lens calibration, so all operation modes of the KIT-NC353-369 are applicable to the KIT-NC353-369-PHG too.
2) No, it is not possible for the KIT-NC353-369-PHG to use monochrome sensor. You see, all lenses have some aberrations and some of the aberrations are color-dependent. When we calibrate the camera we treat each color channel separately and compensate differently. Using monochrome sensor would reduce overall resolution of the sensor+lens combination, unless you use only one color band (like green) and put a band pass filter in front of the camera lens.
3) Yes, it is the main purpose of such cameras.


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