[Elphel-support] Fw: question about elphel 353 camera

重点实验室 keylab at facri.com
Tue Mar 18 20:31:07 PDT 2014

发件人: "重点实验室" <keylab at facri.com>
发送时间: 2014-03-19 09:02:43 (星期三)
收件人: "Andrey Filippov" <andrey at elphel.com>
抄送: "chj xiao" <x.chjg72 at gmail.com>
主题: question about elphel 353 camera

Hi Andrey,

I have got a problem of how to use elphel on my computer with windows OS. I want to catch images one by one from the elphel camera in my own C project. I see that you have posted a socket tutorial in wiki on how to use the elphel camera in linux. Is there some kind of instructions of how to work with elphel in windows? Whether the client.c program in wiki can work in windows? My camera is elphel 353, it's the best industry camera I have ever used. But I am not quiet familiary with streaming, could you help me to figure out this problem, I'll be appreciate of your help.


Xi'an Automatics Control Research Institute

发件人: "chj xiao" <x.chjg72 at gmail.com>
发送时间: 2014-03-18 17:10:39 (星期二)
收件人: "Andrey Filippov" <andrey at elphel.com>
抄送:keylab at facri.com
主题: Fwd: 618所 elphel353相机

Dear Andrey,
The client has some questions.

---------- 已转发邮件 ----------
发件人: 重点实验室<keylab at facri.com>
日期: 2014年3月17日 上午10:33
主题: 618所 elphel353相机
收件人: x.chjg72 at gmail.com
抄送: x.chjG72 at gmail.com


请教一下如何在windows,visual studio下用c语言如何实时读取elphel相机的图像数据?有没有现成的c语言开发包可以用?
How can I use c to read the picture data of elphel353 camera .Does has c SDK?
Do you have c program samples? How can I run program in camera


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