[Elphel-support] Latest version of Schematics and Board layout

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Mon Feb 24 08:54:20 PST 2014

Hello Somnus,

We are not yet manufacturing the NC393 camera and so there is no documentation posted, it will appear there by the time our first cameras of this series will go to the customers.

While we do develop the software on the public CVS (and now Git) repositories, so it is released very early we do not do the same for the hardware. Hardware bugs are very expensive to fix and we do not want to distribute untested circuit diagrams and layouts that may lead to such failures. Even as the free licenses provide no warranty, we would still use our rights to test the designs as much as we can before letting them to the open, and we are required to release the source only when we start distributing the "binaries" - the hardware itself. 


---- On Mon, 24 Feb 2014 07:19:33 -0800 WeiWang Wang <uestc.somnus at gmail.com> wrote ---- 

Hello Andrey,

Thank you very much for your replying.I found that your latest version is NC393, but you haven't put schematics of NC393 onto wiki. When will you put them onto wiki? Would you like to send a copy of your current NC393 schematics to me?  I very much appreciate your sharing. Since I'm doing a project similar to your NC393, I wanna learn from your NC393.


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