[Elphel-support] captured image location in memory

Oleg support-list at support.elphel.com
Mon Aug 25 15:22:50 PDT 2014

Dear Guarav,

1. I want to perform correlation over raw data but as you mentioned it is
> very difficult to find location of captured image and as you don t know
> about it ,so can you please tell me who is able to answer my question??
1. Did you run the simulation of "x353_1.tf"? There you can track what
happens to the raw sensor data.
2. To process the raw data you don't have to know where it's stored - you
can intercept it right when it's coming from the sensor - PXD[..], HACT,VACT

> 2. i download all x353.v and x353.ucf file and its supporting files ,as i
> try to create .bit file then i got some errors during implementation as
> below:
output no error: i got x353.bit file but as i reboot camera with this newly
> genrated x353.bit file i got some strips of different color. please find
> attachment of blurred image .
1. Timing, synthesis and Implementation reports from ISE Webpack?
2. What image do you get from the default x353.bit? -

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
Elphel, Inc.
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