[Elphel-support] Fwd: Auto-discard notification

Alexandre Poltorak a.poltorak at foxel.ch
Mon Apr 21 14:32:52 PDT 2014

Hi Aditi, 

This is the most basic way probably : 

It does not use the RTSP video stream, but just single image snapshot from ImgSrv - http://wiki.elphel.com/index.php?title=Imgsrv 

Best regards, 
Alexandre Poltorak 

Office: +41 22 341 3300 
Mobile: +41 79 696 4225 
Email: a.poltorak at foxel.ch 
Web: www.foxel.ch 

Chemin de Champ-Claude 10 
1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland 

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----- Mail original -----

| De: "andrey" <andrey at elphel.com>
| À: "Elphel List" <support-list at support.elphel.com>
| Envoyé: Lundi 21 Avril 2014 23:18:45
| Objet: [Elphel-support] Fwd: Auto-discard notification

| | ---------- Forwarded message ----------
| | From: Aditi Jog < jogaditi100 at gmail.com >
| | Date: Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 1:58 PM
| | Subject: Elphel camera 353 Interfacing with Matlab
| | To: support-list at support.elphel.com

| | Dear sir,

| | Myself Aditi. I am student from India. Currently working on your Elphel353
| | camera for one of the project in IIT-Bombay.

| | We would like to interface this Elphel 353 camera with MATLAB.

| | please help us in this matter.

| | please provide us command s in MATLAB which can used to capture image via
| | Elphel camera with use of MATLAB and Ethernet port.

| | please reply.

| | thanks in advance,
| | Aditi
| | Research fellow
| | IIT-Bombay

| | ====================== End of Forwarded Mail ======================

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