[Elphel-support] 10338e

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Mon Apr 7 08:55:00 PDT 2014

Alexandre, you are right - it turns out there is no parts list for the newer 10338D on our wiki. https://www.google.com/search?q=10338d returns file with circuit diagram and Gerber files, but no parts list. It is our fault - we never generated that parts list but just updated minor component change from the earlier revision at the factory. To our shame the parts list generation is currently rather complicated process - while the proprietary circuit/pcb design software we use runs on Wine, the parts list are generated using a macro that runs only on an antique version of Microsoft Office that I failed to run on Wine. So we have one computer with actual Windows 2000 running on it that I turn on hoping it will start and generate such list. We did not write a replacement to that program (anyway it depends on the output of the obsolete proprietary tools) just waiting to be able to migrate to the free software. But that is taking longer than we expected, unfortunately.

As for the rev E - we did not even have the circuit diagram or PCB layout - it is the same as "D" and just one chip is replaced with a newer one (SPD, same as on computer memory modules).

We will try to generate the missing parts list with that old computer, meanwhile you can just update the 10338A parts list using the 10338D circuit diagram available on Elphel wiki - all parts are marked there.


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