[Elphel-support] stereo camera with BW CCD

Oleg support-list at support.elphel.com
Thu Sep 19 16:58:34 PDT 2013

Hello Daniel,

1. Setting the WOI:

1a. Set the width (doesn't work correctly in camvc - so, Parameter Editor
> multisensor):

I could reproduce your problem - that's a bug.

Notes and temporary solution:
1a1. It's ok to change WOI_WIDTH only.
1a2. If the image is scrambled - setting WOI_WIDTH to 512 first fixes it -
switch WOI_WIDTH back to 608 or 1024 - I get normal images.
1a3. I set WOI_WIDTH=608 right after the boot - it didn't break the image.

1b. Set the height (doesn't work correctly in camvc - so, parsedit.php):
I applied them at the same time.

2. set FPS
2a. TRIG=0x4 (should be already set)
50fps: TRIG_PERIOD=1920000 (the actual period in seconds is TRIG_PERIOD /
60fps: TRIG_PERIOD=1600000

Note: at 50fps your max exposure is 20ms - if longer some images will be

2c. To check the timestamps go to > last 9
images, 3 per row, scale=0.2 <>

3. Adjusting phases:
3a. Try changing MULTI_PHASE2 parameter:
example: 0x1000f
bits 17&18 - set the clock quadrature - in the example it's 0x1
lower 16 bits - set the small steps withing the quadrature - the range is
 0xff00 (-256) - 0x00ff (255)
bit 20 - resets the fpga's clock manager and sets the chosen phase - zeroed
after the register is written.

3b. MULTI_PHASE1 sets the clock phase the 1st sensor and the MUX board, but
the image looks good - no need to change, just fyi.
3c. SENSOR_PHASE - clock phase between the system board and the MUX board -
since the 1st sensor is ok - no need to change it.

Please let me know if everything worked.

Best regards,
Oleg Dzhimiev
Electronics Engineer
phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
Elphel, Inc.
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