[Elphel-support] stereo camera with BW CCD

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Wed Sep 4 21:25:12 PDT 2013

Dear Daniel, I'm sorry but I just found out that we do not have any asembled stereo cameras around to reproduce the problem, we plan to have on in 2-3 weeks. So le's try to troubleshoot the problems with your camera.

What we can try first is to isolate - is that wrong geometry setting or wrong calculation of the frame rate by the driver. The frame rate can be reduced by going to the external (from the sensor point of view) trigger mode and acquire single frames.

For geometry - first I would try to change vertical size AFTER setting the horizontal one - it may fix the problem, because change in vertical size causes more recalculations that when only horizontal dimention is changed.

It is also possible to read raw sensor registers that are calculated and set by the driver and see if they are correct

I also noticed the another problem on the first image - wrong sensor board phase adjustment (it depends on the cable length that is longer in stereo cameras). Oleg did such adjustment recently and he will be able to provide you with exact instructions.

The camera seems to be in color mode and even if the sensor is monochrome, it is just missing Bayer filters, but otherwise it is the same. So when analog color gains are different, it may cause color. Wrong signal phase adjustment causes sampling data with a pixel shift. Then in the Bayer mosaic R<->G and G<->B are swapping, causing green to appear purple (R+B) and this is what I see in the right part of the bottom half of the first picture.


---- On Wed, 04 Sep 2013 05:49:11 -0700 drouan<daniel.rouan at obspm.fr> wrote ---- 

Dear Andrey,

Here: https://upload.obspm.fr/get?k=OKsc283yHuLvGsNuOFu  are the pdf of three parameters/init pages (parameters editor):

Parameters_init0 : is the standard configuration after a cold start ; full size,   the images are "normal"; note that the parameters MULTI_WIDTHn and 
 are not set to what should be a "normal"value : 2592 (same as WOI_WIDTH), if I understand correctly what they are.

Parameters_init1 : is an example of scrambled image when just WOI_WIDTH is changed to 1024
note that I forced also MULTI_WIDTH1 and MULTI_WIDTH2 to 1024; the image appears scrambled. 
Note also that if I set WOI_WIDTH to 2560 or 2576 the image is correct.

Parameters_init2 : is an example of some ideal case I would like to reach, with 
MULTI_LEFT1 = 256  ;  MULTI_LEFT1 = 512  ; MULTI_TOP1 = 512 ; MULTI_TOP2 = 128    (just to try some values)
The images are scrambled.  Note that I didn't try to adjust WOI_LEFT nor WOI_TOP since I do not know if they should fit
to  MULTI_LEFT1 or MULTI_LEFT2 or a combination, and to  MULTI_TOP1, MULTI_TOP2 or a combination …
I was also wondering if MULTI_HBLANK was an important parameter. 



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