[Elphel-support] camera image undistortion rectification

support-list support-list at support.elphel.com
Fri Jul 12 10:09:11 PDT 2013


Our records show that you received the color, not monochrome camera. When you read color sensor as if it was monochrome, you will get the Baeyer pattern, so camera seems to operate correctly. The JPEG encoding for the Bayer data in not efficient, I would recommend you to use JP4 format (http://community.elphel.com/jp4/jp4demo.php ), you may use the ImageJ plugin to open the JP4 files, the plugin processes Exif MakerNote and un-applies non-linear (gamma) conversion in the camera, it also un-applies color gains resulting in teh floating-point data corresponding to the raw sesnor pixel values.


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