[Elphel-support] strreaming problem...

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Fri May 18 15:59:20 PDT 2012

> 1. Are your PCs connected over WiFi or cable? Try to connect one of the
> PCs over a cable - so the LAN from the camera to a PC would be wired only.

I was having a similar problem when I was running some tests. But I solved
it somehow and it never came back. I'm trying hard to remember but I can't.

Oleg's mail reminded that maybe it was either by running mplayer with the
"-vf scale=newX:newY" option or by shutting down every other internet
interface - in my case, it was "ifconfig eth1 down" and "ifconfig wlan1
down" (my comp has 2 cable interfaces and one wifi) before putting eth0 up
(with ifconfig eth0 up). With my laptop, that didn't work and
the only way I was able to connect and have a solid streaming was booting
with the camera plugged and then shutting the wifi and eth0 interfaces
before upping eth0 again, as described.

I don't know if it helps, but just in case...

good luck!
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