[Elphel-support] Recording fullHD JP4 being limited to 7 seconds

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 07:39:14 PDT 2012


I have started writing an article called "A somewhat comprehensible guide
to using Elphel as a Digital Cinema camera". It's here:

My intention is to do a sort of general reference guide for this specific
use, also talking about the general common elphel-use doubts I had or have
seen were sort of common in this list. It too is an effort to have a global
overview on the wiki's documentation, linking there whenever possible.

Please, take a look at what is there (so far, there is only the section
"effective recording quality", where it also talks about the Compact Flash
cards issue) and tell me what you think. If you believe any part of this
document is worthy making to any existing official channel (elphel wiki or
development blog), please tell me and we can work this together. Any
errors, please point those to me and I'll do my best to correct them.


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