[Elphel-support] binning modes, sum and average, how to change them?

Biel Bestué de Luna 7318.tk at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 12:45:21 PST 2012

what would be needed to implement pixel binning summing within the php code
like EXPOS, BIN_HOR, BIN_VERT...? Having a boolean parameter to activate
pixel binning summing would be great, and it might not provoke problems
with de-synchronization of states between FPGA and the sensor, and
latencies troubles between FPGA and the sensor as apparently "fpcf -i2cw16
4820 0x60" provokes.

I've been using "fpcf -i2cw16 4820 0x60" since we we're talking about it
some time ago and I've never found any problem, but maybe I was lucky, so
having it solved in the PHP would be great.

2012/10/15 Oleg <support-list at support.elphel.com>

> Biel,
>> yes I understand this but since I have two front ends one color the other
>> BW any color degradation might not affect the BW isn't it?
> If binning & skipping in BW sensor work exactly the same as in the color
> sensor - for pairs of columns and rows - then you will get the same binning
> artifacts.
> I haven't tried binning with a BW sensor - so, I'm not sure.
> Just found this page<http://campus.udayton.edu/~ISSL/index.php/research/binning-artifact-removal/> -
> they say they have some code that corrects binning artifacts.
> Best regards,
> Oleg Dzhimiev
> Electronics Engineer
> phone: +1 801 783 5555 x124
> Elphel, Inc.
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