[Elphel-support] starting an article...

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 17 11:29:02 PDT 2012


We are using the Elphel on a drone, so the size of the lens (and its
> weigth) is also important for us.

This lens I'm using is quite heavy. In our setup, Elphel is being hold
upside down by the lens, not otherwise. =)

> In your settings, did you change "Autoexposure control" ?

Good question. I have been shutting Autoexposure off. I've been recording
using scripts I keep inside the HDD that is mounted by the camera. In these
scripts, I shut Autoexposure off (I saw autocampars, and the settings for
autoexposure and autowb there seem to be off also, but I notice an
"autoexposure" process with the "top" command even so, so I kill it with
the same script that starts camogm to record).

For these videos, I am unsure if I have done that, but my guess is that I
did. I was already using the scripts, but I'm not 100% sure I had them turn
autoexposure off at that time or if I had turned it off at autocampars.


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