[Elphel-support] using elphel for the first time

flavio soares qazav3.0 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 19 08:48:11 PDT 2012

Hello, Diego,

Thanks for the reply!

Oleg answered me, but I think the answer came just to may e-mail - this is
the full conversation, I'll post it so it gets online (at the moment, I'm
thinking about the compact flash cards, please see below):

And thank you very much for the support!


>From the camera's homepage go to System Preferences -> Network. And change
the ip address (to, for example) so it would be valid for in
current subnetwork (if the default mask which is
192.168.1.xxx in your case.

How did you set up the wired interface address? dhcp or manual? Also how do
you set the wireless address?
Hi, Oleg,

Thanks for the answer. I'll reboot and try the with the live USB.

My network is dhcp, all the computers plugged to a router via cables or
wireless. But I do have access to the router, in case it's needed.

I'll be back soon.
Oleg, thank you very much! That was it! It works fine now!

This afternoon, I'll update this info at the wiki too, so that it can be
easily accessed.

Could I ask you one more question?

I am with the 353 model. I'm thinking about opening the camera to try some
Compact Flash cards I have here. These are the models I have:

I have one of this:

And two of these:

>From what I have, there was an issue with DMA from the cards, but the
thread seems to be old. What precautions should I take in opening the
camera? Also, if the cards do not work, will the camera simply hang or is
there any chance of damaging it?

Thanks again for the help!

best regards,

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