[Elphel-support] Experiencing problems with buffer.

Nathan Clark nathan at nathanclark.com.au
Sun Sep 11 04:37:15 PDT 2011

Hi guys,

Sebastian has been helping me troubleshoot this issue, but we decided its
best to bring it to the support list.
I'm having problems with recording to SSD (over sata).
It seems that the maximum datarate I can record is about 68 Mbit/s (above
which the buffer overruns constantly)
Interestingly, if I am viewing the rtsp stream at the same time as
recording, the maximum datarate is crippled further causing overrun at
anything over about 46 Mbit/s

I have run the following command through telnet, to test the SSD:

time dd if=/dev/circbuf of=/var/hdd/test1.dd bs=1M

yielding the following results:

18+1 records in
18+1 records out
real    0m 1.12s
user    0m 0.01s
sys     0m 1.04s

Any ideas on what might be going on would be appreciated.
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