[Elphel-support] Questions about JP4

Florent Thiery florent.thiery at ubicast.eu
Tue Nov 29 09:44:34 PST 2011


   - is a (jpeg) compression applied to the images when grabbing a JP4
   stream ? In other words, is the compression rate parameter having an effect
   in JP4 mode ?
   - (how) can i render a JP4 image to RGB using ImageJ plugins ? I can
   successfully import it (but it is still gray with squares)
   - is there a C implementation somewhere similar to our JP46 to
bayer code<http://code.google.com/p/gst-plugins-elphel/source/browse/trunk/jp462bayer/src/gstjp462bayer.c#856>
   that we can port it ? If not, where can we have more information regarding
   the difference between JP46 and JP4, and the according decoding adjustments
   needed ?

Best regards,

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