[Elphel-support] EXIF data from .mov file + other questions

Oleg K Dzhimiev oleg at elphel.com
Wed Mar 2 09:23:23 PST 2011

> - I was wondering with regards to splitting the JPEGs with the EXIF data
> (the geotag information), is there by any chance another solution that is
> more friendly for someone with little technical expertise? Is there a way of
> running Movie2dng on windows? I'm a very fast learner but I really could not
> understand how to get the process going.

I never tried compiling Movie2dng in windows but
you could try split_mov.php (http://community.elphel.com/files/php_scripts/)?
- I've just uploaded it. Check the folder permissions when you launch the

BTW, can you see GPS data in the camera interface? Or does "" print the coordinates?

Best regards,
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