[Elphel-support] [FIXED] RTSP & ( 2 x 353L ) over 24/7 = I x 353L works OK, the other 353L problematic.

Grahame M. Kelly grahame at wildpossum.com
Fri Jun 3 22:50:29 PDT 2011

Hi Stefan & Andrey.

Just back from interstate trip.

To answer Stefan:  I have both cameras frame-rate set to 50fps max, with
a image of 800 x 600 pix, both cameras are on the same Network.  There
are only three devices on the network, my testing system and the two

To answer Andrey: what do you do to reconnect? just restart the stream
or you have to power cycle the camera? 

I generally just restart the stream. BUT over time the disconnections
increase to the point where I am forced to do a complete cold-boot.

Can you get images after the connection is lost? Yes.

Are they normal or broken? Seem normal.

---- Current Status -----

I have only been back 24hrs, but this time I did notice that moving the
camera power packs around caused the problem to move to the other

On further investigation it appears that one camera power pack has on
its +12.3 VDC component a switching noise component of about +/- 5.2V.
Isolating both cameras on to my Lab Supply PSU {+12.4 VDC +/-1.7mV} 
strangely the problem has totally disappeared.  I hope this is the
solution - replace the bad camera pack.

I will give the cameras a 24 hour test period to verify.

Thanks for all the assistance.

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