[Elphel-support] Documentation for RAW Images Requiered

Marc Reichenbach marc.reichenbach at informatik.uni-erlangen.de
Thu Feb 10 03:16:54 PST 2011

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Dear all,

I'm a member of research staff of university erlangen-nuremberg and we
want to implement pre-processing images tasks (without jpeg,
compression, ...) on the elphel nc353l camera. I have taken a look in
the verilog source code x353.v but imho its not very good dokumentated.
So I don't know how the images comes from the sensor to /dev/ccam_img.
The only thing I found is, that the interface to the system is the
verilog component sysinteface with a bidirectional bus. Is that right?
Is it right that the raw images are copied via this interface to ram? On
which adress lies the raw image? Is the raw image always copied, or
only, for example, every 100 images?

In other words, the camera is great, but I have no idea how to implement
our own functions on the fpga, because there is no documentation (or I
haven't found it). Same story short, can anybody help me, through which
components the datapath goes from sensor to /dev/ccam_img.

The camera project is for a company which wants to implement the
shack-hartmann processing. If the implementation is sucessfully we buy
cameras from you for the next 10 years :)

thanks very much for your efforts,


marc reichenbach
Version: GnuPG v2.0.17 (GNU/Linux)


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