[Elphel-support] rtsp server

Adam Gobi adam.gobi at acheron.com.au
Mon Feb 7 16:09:20 PST 2011

Sebastian, thanks for the suggestion, but yes I had tried reducing the

Andrey, unfortunately the Live-DVD supplied with the camera hasn't worked
properly (says it can't find the Knoppix filesystem, which seems like an odd
error).  However, I downloaded the newest version of Ubuntu, booted off
that, and the streaming works just fine.

Actually, I think I'll switch from Windows 7 to Ubuntu.  It's been years
since I used a PC, and the headaches involved with installing Linux on a
laptop scared me away from messing with the default OS of this PC.  However,
Ubuntu is quite impressive, and it appears that most things just work, with
the rest easily configured though pointing and clicking.  It's nice to see
things have come so far.

Best regards,

On 8 February 2011 04:28, Andrey Filippov <andrey at elphel.com> wrote:

> Adam,
> Can you please try to boot from Kubuntu live CD on the same computer were
> the Mplayer in Kubuntu through the Virtual Box does not work, to make sure
> there are no hardware network issues and so confirm that the problem is
> related to running Mplayer/VLC from Windows 7, not something related to the
> network card in the computer.
> Andrey

Adam Gobi
Electrical Engineer - Imaging
Acheron Project Pty Ltd
Leichhardt, NSW, Australia
e: adam.gobi at acheron.com.au
v: +61 451 951 323
f: +61 2 9571 5575
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