[Elphel-support] Triggered Mode and Linescan together.

Brian Burke burke.brian.a at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 21:40:46 PDT 2011

I'm running 8.0.9.

I'm wondering if anyone can help me understand more how running in triggered
mode (i.e. TRIG=4) works in conjunction with linescan mode (i.e.

I would like to limit the linescan rate - for example, to 50 linepairs per
second.  To do this, I set TRIG_PERIOD=1920000 (96,000,000 / 50).  When NOT
in linescan mode, this seems to work - camvc reports 50 fps.  However, in
linescan mode, the FPS as reported by camvc does not seem to be limited -
it's in the 1000's, limited only by the exposure.

Does the TRIG_PERIOD need to be handled differently when in linescan mode?
 Perhaps some additional math to account for linepairs per composite frame?
I'm working with a composite frame only 480px high - i.e. 240 linepairs per
composite frame.
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