[Elphel-support] channel switching and exposure question

Andreas Bean office at beanbox.com
Sun Sep 5 14:18:47 PDT 2010


Why does the command

fpcf -i2cw16 0x835 0x02

not switch to sensor two? I have compared it with reg_write.php and
don't see the difference. Please give me a hint.


When I change the exposure setting it takes three or more frames to be
adjusted in the frame. I'm capturing a hdr exposure sequence for example
with 1ms, 5ms, 20ms, 100ms, 500ms. When the exposure is set to 500ms I
have to wait for two or three seconds to get the frame with exposure
time 500ms. Is there a way to set the exposure time for the next frame?
I have tried to do this from c, derived from autoexposure... I have also
tried to set the frame number to the current frame number plus one.
But this seems to make no difference.
This behavior can also be seen from the cam control. One the exposure
time is set to 1s it takes 3 or more seconds to get an updated frame.
Whats the reason for this?
Is there a way to set the exposure for the next frame?


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