[Elphel-support] Auto exposure parameter setting problem, a friend of China

tiandylzp tiandylzp at 126.com
Wed May 5 23:21:56 PDT 2010

Dear Andrey

   Thank you for your reply to the external trigger to set the document,we have achieved the external trigger function.We have some automatic exposure issues that need to ask you.

   Problem described as follows:

   (1)There are two important parameters set up for auto exposure effect: AEXP_LEVEL and AEXP_FRACPIX,can you provide some experience relation between the two parameters for us to combine the two parameters into one parameter.

   (2)Can you give me some of your auto exposure, auto white balance algorithm document.I would like to in-depth look at their implementation methods.

                                                     Wait for your early reply!

                                                                      Best regards,

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