[Elphel-support] Streamer settings and SDP

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Mon Mar 8 09:34:08 PST 2010

> or alternatively can the camera streamer be configure to unicast UDP?

Scott, honestly  I do not have an immediate answer - if that is possible. As
I understand unicast/multicast and tcp/udp go together - in unicast mode the
source talks to a particular client, so the packets can be acknowledged
(tcp). In multicast mode there is naturally no way to acknowledge packets
from all the clients so you have to use udp. Why multicast/udp does not work
for you?  You are trying to avoid flooding the network with the packets?
That can be solved  with some router - either a dedicated hardware or just
having the camera connected to a single computer to a dedicated Ethernet
port (and use this computer as a router if you need access the camera from
another hosts).

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