[Elphel-support] Streamer settings and SDP

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Mon Mar 8 09:15:24 PST 2010

Hello Scott,

Sorry - that was not me who designed the streamer that is used in the
camera, so I have limited knowledge on that matter.

> 1. I have seen on the wiki that in previous versions the SDP information
> was stored locally in a file that could be retrieved via http, ftp, etc.(I
> think it was session.sdp) Is this file generated with the current software?

Yes, the SDP file is generated and served by the RTSP server embedded in the
streamer,  it is not a file in the camera file system. What information from
that file do you need to read over http/ftp? It is likely you c an read it
the same way as any other camera parameters.

> 2. Is it possible to specify the IP address to send UDP packets to when in
> multicast mode?

To my understanding, in multicast mode packets are sent to multicast address
group, not to any particular IP. What is your network configuration?

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