[Elphel-support] camera triggering

Alexandre Poltorak alexandre at elphel.com
Tue Jun 22 12:27:02 PDT 2010


I am experimenting with camera triggering. First I am trying internal
triggered mode where the FPGA trigger the sensor once per second + an
external flash (in my case just a LED).

My settings are:
5MPix JPEG color images, 200ms exposure time

TRIG_OUT 800000
TRIG_PERIOD 96000000

First of all it seems TRIG 4 must be applied separately after the other
parameters. If not the compressor stop after the first frame.

I see my led blinking once per second. The problem is that I can not see my
led on the image. I tried to play with TRIG_DELAY. If I set the delay to
50000000 pixel clocks I can see the LED on ~4/5 of the image, on the last
part of the image the LED is already OFF.

I do not understand where exactly the trigger is before the exposure is

More tests coming soon..

Best regards,
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