[Elphel-support] linescan mode

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Tue Jun 1 14:11:30 PDT 2010

> I am looking for variable framerate line-scan. maximum of 300fps should be
> enough...


In that case running sensor in triggered mode should work, In a little while
the FPGA/driver code should become stable again, now I'm working on it and
there could be some glitches. The main problem is that the camera drivers
are dependent on the frame interrupts (in linescan mode those interrupts
come once per composite frame), and if for some reasons there are no sync
pulses, it is getting stuck. So increasing VIRT_HEIGHT+setting VIRT_KEEP=1
should be safer as the frame sync pulses would not depend on other

If you tried triggered mode - what exactly did you set up and what did niot
work? I'll try to reproduce the same one on my camera

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