[Elphel-support] problem with stereo setup

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Thu Aug 5 18:05:28 PDT 2010

Hello Jorick,

The problem is known -  we should not install the latest CVS software on
your camera, rather use the latest archive or image that is on sourceforge.
Lately we were actively developing 19359 code for Eyesis camera so spectific
code r4e
lated to Eyesis got to CVS. With this code when the new camera image first
runs, it
 creates initial /etc/autocampars.xml with parameters determined by the
presence of the 10359 board.

There are several ways how to solve the problem with the latest and greatest
software from the CVS :

1) delete /etc/autocampars.xml , disconnect 10359 from the camera (or tweak
/etc/init.d/fpga that detects it and let camera boot. Then telnet to the
camera and reboot it with
reboot -f
access http://camera_ip/phpshell.php?command=reboot+f

2) just edit the /etc/autocampars.xml and make
<TRIG_CONDITION>0</TRIG_CONDITION> (instead of non-zero value that is there
now). Then reboot the camera with "reboot -f" as explained above (or issue
"sync" before power-cycling camera.

There are several other parameters that have different defaults for regular
(w/o 10359) and Eyesis setup (i.e. fixed color balance instead of the
automatic, 95% quality instead of 80, and more - you can find them all in
/usr/html/autocampars.php) but the camera will not freeze as soon as you
start it with the TRIG_CONDITION changed

By default the camera uses hardware synchronization and without the cable
camera is never triggered.

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