[Elphel-support] elphel_program_sensor does not exist?

Andrey Filippov andrey at elphel.com
Tue Apr 6 13:58:57 PDT 2010


Current software (8.x) does not require call to elphel_program_sensor () -
that function was removed. In the 8.x software it is not required to wait
for the parameters to be applied and the acquisition queue is not reset when
parameters are changed. That causes some variable (dependent on the
parameter type) latency between setting of parameter(s) and receiving the
image that was acquired with those new parameters . If you really need to
wait for that  you may use approach in the following example:


That program reads and  saves current parameters, then applies new ones,
shedules parametes to be restored to original ones, waits for the image with
the new parameters to appear in the video buffer and redirects the http
request to the imgsrv server (port 8080). It is designed to acquire a full
resolution image causing shortest possible interruption to video streaming
at lower resolution).

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