[Elphel-support] trigger test program..

Kaien Ban kalvastro at naver.com
Sun Dec 13 06:31:09 PST 2009

hello elphel 
i attach test program with this email.(file name: tringgerSaveImage)
i can send source as well if you want.
could you please fix parameter before you run the program?
then set up as external trigger mode after disabled autoexposure and autowhitebalance.
then run the program.
P_EXPOS : 0x7d0 (dec 2000 )
P_WB_EN : 0
P_TRIG : 0x4
(unzip TriggerSaveImage.zip)
# chmod 777 TriggerSaveImage
# ./TriggerSaveImage (run in camera 353L)
this program is set up that image is saved when a trigger signal transmit.
when a trigger signal occurs, frame number is changed and frame is saved as well.
(fprintf : http://cfile6.uf.tistory.com/image/1857E6164B24F9CBADEEA0)
we make trigger swich.(file name : http://cfile3.uf.tistory.com/image/1957E6164B24F9CBAE7B1A - test device)
 when swich is on, trigger signal occurs. we send the trigger signal by pressing on the swich by finger.
the images will be saved if signals send 2-3 times per sec slowly.
occasionally it can be saved error images when you send quickly.
we process as i explain above, and i have some problems happening after the procedure.
could you please have a look the enquiry below.
1. the frame changed to tirgger shows delayed screen. and occasionally the frame occurring from first trigger signal does not show on the screen. 
 is it happened in elphel?
2. we could not set up the trigger signal interval because we press swich by finger. what is the minimised the trigger signal interval when we send sequently?
3. we're planing to test the image saving as changing frame by controling internal signal. can we control internal trigger without use of external trigger?
thank you for your time for my enquiry.
i look forward your answer asap.
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